With Systems Catapult, businesses gain access to expertise, collaboration, and state-of-the-art testing facilities that ensure their competitiveness. We focus on sustainable transformation and the development of green industries.
From the Kick off
Report handover from the Industry
with Powered by Telemark, Arctic Cluster Team, Sustainable Energy Norwegian
Catapult Centre, and Kongsberg Technology Cluster, we have created a report
that emphasizes the importance of significant investments in future test
infrastructure to achieve our climate goals. Minister of Trade and Industry,
Jan Christian Vestre, received this report during the Kongsberg Agenda. The
report asserts that an investment of 2.5 billion NOK is required to get value
and a boost for the industry. The best part is that the industry is willing to
cover half the cost, provided that government joins the joint effort.
We have long recognized the need for a shared center for knowledge sharing and development across businesses and academia within advanced system technology, says Ole B. Hoen, Head of the Kongsberg Technology Cluster. Through Siva SF and Norwegian Catapult, we now have the opportunity to create a national collaboration arena where we can offer new services and enhanced mobilization for Norwegian companies.
Norwegian Catapult is Norway's largest test arena, serving as a toolbox for companies' industrial development journeys. Each Catapult provides industrial test arenas with high-tech and modern equipment, tools, and expertise in areas crucial for Norwegian industry and businesses
Very proud and happy that the cluster is part of the Norwegian Catapult, says Hoen. The ability to test new products and ideas in modern test facilities has huge value for both small and large companies, he says.

Systems Catapult provides access to knowledge and modern facilities, as well as the opportunity to test your ideas. Stay tuned to our website and LinkedIn channel to stay updated on new courses and offerings within the Systems Catapult.
Is your company interested in learning more about Systems Catapult and how it works? Please feel free to contact us!